When you buy a home, try to be aware of whether there may be mould in it.
At BBBoligadvokat we have had a major case involving mould in an apartment in a housing association. The case ended with the condominium association having to bear all the costs of the mould remediation, but unfortunately our clients managed to become infested with the fungi and subsequently had to vacate the apartment.
Mould occurs on or in organic building materials where moisture cannot escape. It can be anywhere in a building, but often in a basement behind cupboards, pictures and in roof structures where there are minor leaks and poor ventilation.
Mould removal will typically not be covered by any insurance.
Mould removal will typically not be covered by any insurance. Getting rid of mould can be difficult - and costly. To some extent, mould is everywhere.
If there is mould in a home, you risk developing a hypersensitivity to mould that makes you sick - and causes you to be affected by even very small concentrations of mould, so that you can hardly be anywhere. It is therefore extremely important to be aware of possible mould infestations and to react immediately.
It is extremely important to be aware of possible mould infestations and to react immediately.
If you suspect an infestation but can't locate it, you should contact one of the companies that detect moulds, of which there are countless species, unless you want to try it yourself first.
A Google search for mould testing will yield several relevant hits.
The important thing is not to ignore a possible presence, as you have the aforementioned hypersensitivity for life should you be unfortunate enough to be exposed to mould in your home.