Cases & Artikler

Caveat Emptor

Caveat emptor is an old Latin expression that basically means that buyers should be careful when buying. In this article you can read about what you should be aware of when considering buying a new home.
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A bit about interest

Interest is a strange quantity. When buying a home, most of us have to borrow some of the purchase price - and then we have to decide on the terms on which we want to borrow. Here you can read a bit more about the basic considerations you need to make when borrowing for your new home.
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Find information about the property online

When buying a home, you can find a lot of information online. Here's a little guide to where you can search and what you can find.
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Mould occurs on or in organic building materials where moisture cannot escape. Read more about what to do if you suspect mould in your building.
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10 tips to save money when buying a home

Here are 10 tips on how to save money when buying a new home.
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Purchasing a home – 10 selected steps 

Here's a simple rundown of the steps you need to go through in most home transactions. It's always good to start with a good overview!
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Insuring your home - which ones do you need and what do they cover?

In this article you can read about what each type of insurance covers, so you can find out what you need for your home.
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Buying real estate in Denmark - we explain the rules 

Non-residents are required to fulfil certain legal requirements in order to legally purchase real estate in Denmark. Read about the rules here.
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